Background information and interesting facts

Here are some interesting facts about the Gobi desert.

Did you know that the Gobi can be divided into 5 different regions? The five regions are:

  • Gobi desert steppe

  • Alashan Plateau semi desert
  • Gobi Lakes Valley desert steppe
  • Dzngarian Basin semi-desert
  • Tian Shan range

Some of the first dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi desert, as well as the Velociraptor, Avimimus and the Pinacosaurus.

Velociraptor Bones

A drawing of what people think the pinacosaurus looked like.

The word ”Gobi” means ”waterless place”.

Less than 5% of the Gobi desert is made of sand dunes.

The Gobi is constantly expanding, mostly into China, where it can grow by about 3,600 square kilometers every year.


One response to “Background information and interesting facts

  1. Eima Pen

    September 17, 2012 at 2:52 am

    Like, oh my god. This was totes insiteful! Thanks babes


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